THE fair to beat all fairs is coming again this weekend... Columbus is fortunate to call itself the host city for the Country Living Fair, third year in a row. What!? You haven't been? It's fab and you simply gotta go. It's all country and beyond- and the good kind o' country (for the most part). Sophisticated, crafty and antique chic.
Artisans from far and near, and lots of local venues bring out their wares and welcome Fall in a big way. Our newest Short North neighbor Bloomsbury Loft will be there and they have been oh so gracious and have invited us to bring a few goodies of our own to place in their booth. If you haven't been to this shop - it's a new Short North must do... (more about them in a later post).
Back to the Fair: Lots of How To's / Demos by the Editors of the magazine - see the entire schedule here.

Directions to The Ohio Village, here.
Artisans from far and near, and lots of local venues bring out their wares and welcome Fall in a big way. Our newest Short North neighbor Bloomsbury Loft will be there and they have been oh so gracious and have invited us to bring a few goodies of our own to place in their booth. If you haven't been to this shop - it's a new Short North must do... (more about them in a later post).
Back to the Fair: Lots of How To's / Demos by the Editors of the magazine - see the entire schedule here.

Directions to The Ohio Village, here.

I really wanted to go to this when we were in Columbus, but didn't get the chance. Those milk bottle candles are fun!